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Compile and intall OpenGM with python wrapper in virtualenv

Online references

Instructions (tested for Ubuntu 14.04)

clone source using
git clone

make build dir under opengm/

makedir build/

and enter build/

cd build/

using ccmake and try to configure with ‘c’

ccmake ../

run ccmake again and select options

ccmake ../




for some unkown reason opengm python site-package is installed under /usr/local/lib/python0./ therefore, better to skip make install and simply copy files by hand (see below)

To build run (-j only if multicore system):

make -j4
make -j2 test
make install

simply copy it to /home/USER/.virtualenvs/VNAME/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

now test in python: import opengm

Hopefully things work :)